Autopsia Colectiva 5 – Exposición Internacional de Carteles

I was invited by the Autopsia Colectiva 5 – Exposición Internacional de Carteles to design a poster on the theme of the “DAY OF THE DEAD”. The organizers were looking for designs that would depict one of the Mexican proverbs and sayings that address the concept of death. From the many proverbs, I chose the “El muerto al pozo y el vivo al gozo!”, (The dead to the well and the alive to the joy!) in simple words “The dead in the drawer and the living in the party”. Which mainly tell us that life goes on and so we should move on because the dead cannot come back.

I chose a humoristic approach where we see the skeleton being disappointed by missing such a great party that takes place up there on earth. The reason for being humorous is because we should not fear death. It will come upon us all one day. So, there is no way we can avoid it. We can though enjoy our lives to the most so that …we can have nice memories when we pass from this life to the other one… I also chose the dancers to be modern and not traditional Mexican dressed because this message appeals to everyone on earth. The colours and designs are being inspired by Mexican tradition and culture.




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